You’ll Never Guess What A Massage Chair Recliner Can Do For You!

Many of the benefits of the massage chair are the same benefits that are attributed to licensed massage therapy. Massage chairs boast of mimicking the hands of a massage therapist and, while a machine could not possibly fully imitate the hands of a true professional, there is much to be gained by using the functions of a massage chair.

Here is a partial list of health benefits derived from a massage recliner:

1. Deep relaxation and stress release (our guess is that you’ll fall asleep the first time you use a chair!).

2. Back and neck pain relief. Most of your body aches and pains come from the muscles. Address the muscles, as the massage chair does, and you will see less and less pain. I can attest to this benefit because our patients that purchase a massage chair usually end up coming into the office less; much of their pain has been alleviated by the chair’s massage.

3. Relief of muscle tightness and stiffness (you’ll feel like “putty” when you’re done).

4. Improved blood and lymph flow. Blood and lymph clean out your body of harmful toxins. Vigorously working the muscles will increase and enhance blood and lymph flow which will increase toxin removal from your body. This benefit has been known to positively affect blood pressure, too!

5. Improved healing. Improved 청담 오피 blood flow will increase oxygen transport to your body tissues. You need oxygen to heal. If the blood flow is improved, oxygen levels will be optimized and your tissues will heal better and quicker.

6. Reduced muscle spasm. Similar to #3, if you’ve ever had a massage from a licensed massage therapist, you’ve noticed how good your muscles feel when you are done. Your massage chair will do the same thing. Not only do you get relief from tightness and stiffness in the muscles, but actual spasms will disappear.

7. Increased flexibility. Relax your muscles…and your movement will improve. Sometimes the effect is quite dramatic. Try bending over and touching your toes before you begin your massage chair session. Then, do it again afterwards. You’ll be quite surprised at how much better your movement will be!

8. Increased endorphin levels. Endorphins are your body’s own natural pain relievers. Exercise, chiropractic manipulation, and massage just happen to be three great ways to increase your endorphin levels. A massage chair will facilitate that as well