Cost of Dental Implants in North Hollywood

We can’t hide the fact dental implants are the #1 solution for restoring or replacing a missing tooth. It’s hard to ignore over a million people are getting at least one dental implant every year and that number is growing. There is no reason why you cannot benefit from getting dental implants. Dental implants truly are a thing of beauty.

Tired of dealing with nasty adhesive applications in the morning? Get a dental implant. Scared of smiling for the camera and ruining a perfect family photo? Get a dental implant. Want to go without pain while talking and eating? Get a dental implant.

In this article,Cost of Dental Implants in North Hollywood Articles we want to help you find the most affordable option for dental implants in the city of North Hollywood.

Dental Implants in North Hollywood

We get a lot of contacts everyday and Kids Oral Care one that has recently stood out is this one,

“I had a dream last night where I lost two of my front teeth, they just wiggled right out. Not only did I check the mirror in the morning to make sure all my teeth were still there, I realized I have no idea how much it would cost me to get a dental implant. I live in North Hollywood, and I know the area is pricey, but where can I find affordable dental implants?”

That’s a great question, one that we can answer! We know how arduous it can be to go from dentist to dentist, getting different quotes for what seems to be the same dental implant procedure. That’s why we’ve contacted over 500 dentist in North Hollywood, just to ask them for their pricing of a single dental implant. Take a look at what we’ve found.

Finding affordable dental implants in North Hollywood is a tall task, especially when the average dental implant price in North Hollywood is $3,395. That’s roughly $150 more than the average in California. However, while the average may be scary, the spread in pricing actually starts at $2000 and goes up to $6400, most of them starting at $3000 per dental implant. By shopping under the average, you’d be able to get 2 or even 3 implants at one practice for the price of 1 at another.